Mary Toft was a young woman in the town of Godalming, located in the south of England. In 1726 she attracted the attention of medical doctors when she insisted she gave birth to rabbits.
A skeptic man-midwife, John Howard, went to investigate. To his amazement, he delivered three rabbits in as many days. The King sent his own physicians, who witnessed the phenomenon.
Which is disgusting. wtf was wrong with that lady, seriously?
She played it off good, but this lady was just an extreme attention whore lol!
Ugh... eugh... I got a nasty taste in my mouth and everything... wtf...
I've always loved this story. Proof that attention whore scammers are as old as time.
People were messed up back in the 1700s too! How could they even fit =/ Ouch none the less! Freaky Victorian ladies.
Rabbits?! What?? Who... what? WHY? EWWW!!
wowies, she must of been mentally ill because theres no way she had a good reason to do that. sad
.....what? just.. what?
pics or it didn't happen!
hnnnng, i'm sure the rabbits scratched and nibbled on their way in, too
That is seriously messed up. 0_0
That was disgusting. Poor rabbits...! WTF was wrong with her...
Mary Toft aka The First Internetz Troll.
@nowaysj: word
Hahahaha, back in that time, most cases of schizophrenia and psychosis weren't diagnosed! She sure was part of them!
That's one seious case of attentionwhoring...
Bro wow I see a scientology ad on your blog. :/
Yikes. But how did she?
Never mind.
Aw, she wanted to be special...and creepy
breathtaking :o
Poor rabbits!
Guess she wanted attention... That hurts doesn't it?
I dont even =S
haha funny story
O___O Wow. Intense.
She'd have her own website these days.
oh god, what the hell
I'm ok with this
First time to your blog and wow -- birthing rabbits --
What's wrong with the woman? The same thing that's wrong with 9/10 of all the people in reality shows today -- she craved attention and was willing to do whatever it took to get it.
MM the Queen of English
Dope, I'm following for more.
What in the world?!
special persons have special needs
'all publicity is good publicity'
What the hell man, woman are nuts. Thanks for info!
Rabbits huh? I wonder where she got them all...
Hahaha, what a crazy woman!
I've also been near Godalming.
This is hawt, lucky rabbits.
No, wait a minute.... pics or it didn't happen!!
weird.. nice post, following!
I've heard of some fetishes before, but that's sick.
those rabbits are luckyy ;D
ahaha thats hilarious :D
Hey, I like the concept of you blog.
Weird story tho :)
ahaha wow what a story
Great blog btw, following (:
Wow. The things people will do for attention
haha, like to see someone try that these days
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