Hase (German for "hare"), often called Pink Rabbit, is a massive, pink, stuffed rabbit on the side of Colletto Fava (a 5,000 feet high hill in the northern Piedmont region of Italy.) It was made by members of the Viennese art group Gelitin in 2005. The final piece is 200 feet (about 60 meters) in length and 20 feet (6 meters) high on its sides. The group not only expect people to observe the art work, but also for hikers to climb it and relax on the top. The work is expected to last until 2025.
Is it just me, or does it look like it's screaming?
Is it just me, or does it look like it's screaming?
wtf is it made of??? srsly... its huge....
At first I didn't understand... Then I saw the house... then I realized how huge it was... That's so great! And yes, it looks like it's screaming, so cute :D
That's pretty crazy mate.
haha thats just funny to me
that's enormous
If I was in airplane and I saw that, I would think they laced the food with drugs lol.
It's screaming for love.
Aw, I wish they made it more permanent. Imagine people a 1000 years from now being like, wtf? What were those crazy people thinking?
crazy! nice random pic!
Great work! I love the blog style!
Fallowing and $upporting BRO!!!
Nice blog will def be back for more. maybe you can check my blog out to sometimes. http://auto-inzure.blogspot.com/. If you could please follow and comment i would sure do teh same for you.
thats really cool
great post as always
its screaming "feed me!"
I was in class today and something i heard made me think of that shark thing u posted last time.
cannot unsee the scream...
Dats one big bunny!
if thats a real stuffed bunny it must be hecka dirty...
The scream is quite creepy
It looks like it just got shot and is lying there dead haha, just cause of that scream and it's eyes.
creepy hase!
A giant pink bunny? Why the hell not?
ha! it does look like its screamn
that is just amazing
How to Hack Life.
How to Hack Life.
... Pink rabbit huh?
cool post man! I like it!
it looks like its in pain! very odd ;D
Wow dude, that thing is boss!
Please check out my blog too!
BTW I followed :3
Found that on Google Earth. Very cool!
looks like it
nice post i know i saw it yesterday but still nice post
Now this is a hike that's worth it.
nice :p
That is craaazy! Its actually so cool! I wish i lived in Germany so I could go and see it!! Cool blog! - Followed
You have GOT to be kidding me XD What in the world?? And it looks like it was dropped out of a plane and that's how it landed
WOW. Can't believe I've never heard of that before.
it screams in agony, damn this thing is crazy im with Chris Prendergast looks like it fell from the sky
never knew of that, very interesting!
Lol those vietnamese have some strange hobbies.
That thing is cool!!
this is why i love google earth
lol really? i wonder what the true purpose of this was.
art was the true purpose
looks like piglet bro..
LOL it looks like it's in pain
Didn't see the scale of it at first lol
That is kinda creepy but cool at the same time. Would be funny to see the persons reaction who first found that on maps.
This is prob your best post yet lol good job!
haha that made my day, awesome man ^^
why would you do that?
this is amazing, lil creepy too ;D
Hahaha, that thing is awesome! And yes, it does look like it is screaming.
I wonder if you can see it from a plane.
That picture says Whhah to my brain..
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