Monday, April 11, 2011

The Bloop

The Bloop is the name given to an ultra-low frequency and extremely powerful underwater sound detected several times by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1997. The source of the sound remains unknown.

According to the NOAA description, it "rises rapidly in frequency over about one minute and was of sufficient amplitude to be heard on multiple sensors, at a range of over 5,000 km." The NOAA's Dr. Christopher Fox does not believe its origin is man-made, such as a submarine or bomb, or familiar geological events such as volcanoes or earthquakes. While the audio profile of the Bloop does resemble that of a living creature, the source is a mystery both because it is different from known sounds and because it was several times louder than the loudest known animal, the blue whale.

Strangely, the Bloop originated from the southern Pacific Ocean, which is the claimed location of R’lyeh, linking the sound to the sleeping Cthulhu, from the works of H.P. Lovecraft. But that's probably completely unrelated.


Zombie said...

Its Davey Jones!

D4 said...

Oh probably. No being sure though, is there?

Jay said...

The mysterious bloop could be the biggest troll ever... ;)

Team Panda said...

thats a crazy story, the ocean creeps me the hell out already, this is gona make me avoid the sea even more haha

Astronomy Pirate said...

Probably some underwater geological event, it's pretty creepy sounding though.

!mypetoctopus said...

I LOVE THE BLOOP. seriously had this conversation with a friend just this afternoon.

Nemo said...

im so intrigued words cant contain

Erika said...

That's really weird. I just read on someone else's blog about Lovecraft and then 2 minutes later, he appears yet again. I've never even heard of him til tonight! Really interesting article btw.

Fred Rickerson said...

You know, *probably* *completely* *unrelated*.

$ome Music said...

lol. nice connection.

Elliot MacLeod-Michael said...

you never know, though.
p.s., i'm terrified of the bloop

Kanika said...

I thought it was a post about an octopus...!

Marian said...

i'd forgotten about this. a very interesting subject. very strange.

CandleintheDark said...

I love this thing. I have no idea what it is but the mystery of it is so awesome

Patti D. said...

Very interesting! thanks for the post

Something Concupiscible said...

I've never heard of this before. Sounds interesting.

doomsday said...

the ocean is mysterious :D

Devon Davidson said...

I personally think it's a giant group of animals making the same noise at the same time. :P

ed said...

i dont doubt the existence of this, deep sea is scary place

Kyle said...

hehe davey jones :)

Thats an awesome comment!

Joe BB said...

There is so much on the earth that we don't understand and yet we are still trying to explore other planets.

Wayward Disposition said...

I bet Richard Branson will find something insane when he dives down into the meriana trench.

DerpFiles said...

Call in the Seaquest. said...

lol, I like how the NOAA gave the sound an altra serious name like "The Bloop"

Anonymous said...

The sea can behold understand, I wouldn't be surprised if was a giant Kraken!

Chris Prendergast said...

Oh man, I love things like this. I read about it in an article on Cracked and I was so intrigued. There's a few different recordings of it on Youtube if anyone wants to do some more research

SOMS said...

Underwater aliens! or just Russians.

Moobeat said...

i love mysteries like this

Kaneda said...

Theres something down there in the depths, something big. *shiver*

Nuker Zero said...

The bloop, an interesting noise. I certainly hope it's either Cloverfield or ice. I don't think i could handle something else...

The Old Master said...

I love this!

apothecarie said...

this blog is so creepy and cool. Definitely following!!

Admin said...

Wow, that's really interesting.

MuteMath Fan said...

Bloop is probably the least-scientific scientific word I've ever heard of.

N4M3L3SS said...

i dont think its unrelated and now im scarred

Endless said...

cthulhu eff yeah!!!


Anette said...

I bet the Bloop is actually cute and cuddly!

Stef Pelgrims said...

who knows what lurks deep inside our oceans!

Inhia said...

I have no idea what you are talking about

I'm sure my friend Venger will like your blog.

D22 Zone said...

Another great post! keep up the good blogging!

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